Mancin S.r.l. was founded in 1981 by Giampaolo Mancin. Today it employs 11 workers on two working shifts with an overall surface of 3000 sq. m. With over 30 years of experience in precision engineering industry, Mancin has gained an enviable reputation as a flexible and efficient sub-contract engineering company.
Production is organized in different departments: a comprehensive range of multi-axis CNC milling and turning machinery including an horizontal spindle grinder and an engineering department. The company also provides in a dedicated structure a functional unit assembly service with the integration of third-party components, as well as a 3D Metrology Lab Unit to ensure quality and specifications standards for different sectors and industries.
A dedication to quality and customer service has been the key to steady growth and continuing success. Its policy of reinvestment enables Mancin to remain flexible enough to manufacture a full range of materials with a good variety in sizes. Providing many secondary operations, we can offer a one-stop shop solution for your engineering requirements such as surface treatments, assembly, laser cutting, etc. by using our own approved suppliers.
• HSC & CNC MILLING: 1500X700X600 mm
• CNC TURNING: from ø 10 mm to ø 350 mm
• small/medium series, prototypes & spare parts
• short lead times
• supply of the material or work with your free issue material
• supply of parts kits or assemblies
• food & bottling industry
• textile sector
• security systems
• aviation
• robotics & medical sector
• automotive
• packaging
· Export Volume: 70%
· Average Export Growth Rate: 40%
· MAIN COUNTRIES: France, Germany, Switzerland, Finland
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